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Listening Competency


Video 1

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Video Summary

Ever since computers were invented, they have functioned as glorified calculators, following precise instructions from programmers. However, a significant shift is underway as computers are now acquiring the ability to learn, think, and communicate like humans through Generative AI. Generative AI, such as GPT, leverages large language models to enable creative and intellectual tasks, once exclusive to humans. This transformative technology, likened to a vast accessible brain in the sky, is rapidly advancing and will impact every individual and company globally. Understanding and mastering prompt engineering are keys to thriving in the evolving landscape of AI.

This brief summary encapsulates the essence of the video on Generative AI, highlighting its implications, capabilities, and the importance of prompt engineering in navigating the AI era.


Video 2

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Video Summary

Mark Hennings from Entrypoint Ai discusses Prompt Engineering, Retrieval Augmented Generation, and Fine-Tuning working together. He explains Prompt Engineering as setting the stage for adding Retrieval Augmented Generation (Rag) and Fine-Tuning. Rag dynamically enhances prompts by incorporating external knowledge sources, ensuring accurate responses in real-time. Fine-Tuning involves training models using prompt and response pairs to refine outputs and tailor the model's behavior. These techniques complement each other to improve outputs, manage model behaviors, and incorporate domain knowledge effectively. Mark emphasizes their collaborative power and their combined impact on enhancing AI applications.


Video 3

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